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Google Adds Ebooks and Movie Rentals to the Android Market

Google's begun rolling out another version of the Android Market, which sports not only a new easy-to-browse interface, but also the ability to rent movies and buy ebooks right on your Android phone.
The new interface is very nice, looking almost Windows Phone-like, with asymmetrical tiles filling up the screen. You can browse through editor's picks, search results, or by category in a much more space-efficient way, putting more apps on a page so you can easily browse through them. Installations now take fewer taps, too, so you can get right to buying, downloading, and playing with new apps.
By far the biggest change in the new Market, though, are movie rentals and ebook sales. Now, you can browse a vast library of movies and books right from the main Market page, and download them to your device. You can stream movies straight from the Market, or "pin" them for offline use. Currently, this feature is only available in the US, though they're looking to bring it to other countries soon.
Hit the link to read more about the new changes, or check out the video above to see it in action. The new Market is rolling out to all phones with Android 2.2 and higher, and will roll out over the course of the next few weeks.

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