After Apple failed to release an iPhone 5 today, there was a collective bloggerboo and the company's stock tumbled more than 5 percent after Tim Cook's first presentation as CEO. Instead we got an iPhone 4S, which will look exactly the same as the iPhone 4, but with some updated specs. For a full list of the updates, peep our rundown.
While it's nothing revolutionary, the phone still has some nice updates. And hey, it's still the best phone around, argues Splat F's Dan Frommer.
For users, this is still the best phone that money can buy — even better today, with some new features. And for investors, Apple will sell record numbers of these devices, probably earning record profits.
Actually, it may look the same as iPhone 4, but it's whats inside that counts, explains TechCrunch's Erick Shonfeld.
On the inside, it’s a whole different story, and that the message Apple tried to get across during its presentation today.First, and most importantly, the iPhone 4S will be powered by a new A5 processor. The A5 is a dual-core processor which will be up to twice as fast as the current A4, and seven times faster processing graphics. Apple is also claiming faster data speeds (with maximums of 14.4 Mbps download speeds, and 5.8 Mbps upload).
While the rest of the phone doesn't impress him, GDGT's Ryan Block appreciates the Worldphone feature.
I will say, I’m pretty impressed they’ve nailed the worldphone aspect here in the same size device. That’s a really challenging thing to do from an antenna design standpoint, and few have ever done this kind of thing before.
Wired's Tim Carmody agrees.
Well THAT's something! "You know that the iPhone comes in two flavors, GSM or CDMA. Now the iPhone 4S has both GSM and CDMA."
The update that impressed most was Siri, the Hal-like voice activated control option, it wowed Bits Blog's Sam Grobart.
This is amazing. And freaky.
Wirecutter's Brian Lam would even go as far to say that Siri is "life changing."
So far: iPhone 4s. looks same, better cam, wireless, speed, battery. voice controlled assistant = life changing
The phone's updated battery life is a sweet deal for browsing, adds Gizmodo's Mat Honan.
Apple beefed up battery life. 8 hours of talk time in 3G. That's way longer than I want to talk to anybody... 6 hours of 3G browsing--okay, I might actually do that.
Apple also updated its iOS, Gizmodo's Jesus Diaz and Kyle Wagner don't find anything particularly dazzling, but think its a solid total package.
All these features put iOS on par again with some of the features that you could already find in Android, Palm or Windows Phone 7. Some of their implementations, surpass those platforms. But even while none of these new features are extraordinary per se, all of them together are quite impressive.
They especially like the notifications update.
The first big feature is notifications. At last, Apple will get rid of the annoying popups that break your flow.Notifications are clearly and by far the best part of iOS5—particularly coming from the stone age pop-up mess of previous versions. Everyone on staff who's used iOS5 is in love, and the upgrade is the must have feature.
The new iOS's cards feature might sound gimmicky but could make Apple lots of money, points outAllThingsD's Peter Kafka.
Cards is going to be a huge hit. (srsly)
CUNY's Jeff Jarvis still thinks it sounds really dumb.
Cards? Are they serious? Mail? Stamps? Post Office? It's dying.